Though a boudoir session is absolutely all about you, we often get clients who would like to gift images to their significant other. Before you gift yourself to someone else, we want to make sure you remember a few things:
>> It matters more what you think of yourself than what anyone else thinks about you.
>> While you may choose a wardrobe that your significant other may enjoy, if you don't like it, you won't like your images and you won't want to gift them to the S.O. anyway
>> Instead of making the session all about your S.O., incorporate small things that he or she may like - for instance, their favorite color, sports team, or hobby.

While your goal is making your significant other happy, our goal is to first make you happy so you can feel empowered when you deliver yourself.
Once you've decided to book your session, specifically as a gift to someone else, here are some things to consider:
>> It is a good idea to book your session at least 3-6 months in advanced. This will give you the opportunity to take your time in choosing a wardrobe and will also give you plenty of time to utilize a payment plan.
>> Be sure to give yourself at least four weeks between your session date and the due date of your images. Though we typically receive products back within a week of your session, we like to include some wiggle room in case something (like, say, a pandemic) happens which may delay your ability to pick up your products.

We love to see what ideas our clients have when booking their session as a gift to someone else. What would you incorporate in your session in your were to book a session with the best boudoir photographer in Baton Rouge?