I've put together my top 5 favorite shots to include on my clients' wedding day. You don't have to do these shots, but my photographer/videographer heart will seriously burst if you do... and trust me, after you see the results, yours will too.
Bride + Groom Under Veil

This shot is number one in my top 5 shots to grab on your wedding day. I love to grab a bright light, like say the giant sun in the sky, and place it right between the two of you as you take just a moment to soak in every ounce of love you have for each other. Also... it shows off your jewelry and I know you're not going to fight with me about showing off your jewelry.
Champagne Pop
Whether it's with your bridesmaids or your new hubby, you'll want to set aside a bottle of the bubbly for a Champagne pop photo series. You can even chain them together to create a pretty fun GIF!
Night Shots

Night portraits offer a great variety to your wedding gallery, especially if the bulk of your day happened inside or during the day. Make sure to set 10-15 minutes aside to take a few outdoor portraits with your new hubby.
Groom's Details

"My fiancé doesn't have anything super unique for details." Yeah he does, sis! You know that cologne that makes you melt like butta in his arms? That boutonniere you spent months deciding on? The shoes that have been shined especially for you? Don't look past his details on you guys' big day!
Newlyweds Walking

Last, but certainly not least, on my wedding day must have shots is when the newlyweds take a stroll. It's a great opportunity for them to chit-chat and do something that's easy -- WALK. This makes for a great way to decompress with your new spouse on the way to the reception area.